Computer Science Technical Reports
CS at VT

The Virginia Tech Computational Grid: A Research Agenda

Ribbens, Calvin J. and Kafura, Dennis and Karnik, Amit and Lorch, Markus (2002) The Virginia Tech Computational Grid: A Research Agenda. Technical Report TR-02-30, Computer Science, Virginia Tech.

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An important goal of grid computing is to apply the rapidly expanding power of distributed computing resources to large-scale multidisciplinary scientic problem solving. Developing a usable computational grid for Virginia Tech is desirable from many perspectives. It leverages distinctive strengths of the university, can help meet the research computing needs of users with the highest demands, and will generate many challenging computer science research questions. By deploying a campus-wide grid and demonstrating its effectiveness for real applications, the Grid Computing Research Group hopes to gain valuable experience and contribute to the grid computing community. This report describes the needs and advantages which characterize the Virginia Tech context with respect to grid computing, and summarizes several current research projects which will meet those needs.

Item Type:Departmental Technical Report
Subjects:Computer Science > Distributed Computing
ID Code:645
Deposited By:Administrator, Eprints
Deposited On:23 August 2005