About the Repository
This repository is running on GNU EPrints open repository software, a freely distributable repository system available from software.eprints.org.
Other institutions are invited (and encouraged) to set up their own open repositories for author self-archiving, using the freely-distributable GNU EPrints software used at this site.
Contact Information
Any correspondence concerning this specific repository should be sent to eprints@cs.vt.edu.
About this software
This site is running GNU EPrints / revision: EPrints 2.3.13 (Cup Cake) [Born on 2005-07-25]
GNU EPrints is free software developed by the University of Southampton, England.
For more information see eprints.org and software.eprints.org
Technologies employed and supported:
Powered by: MySQL, Apache Webserver, Perl, mod_perl, XML, DOM, ParaCite, GNU EPrints.
Supports: Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting, VLit Transclusions, Valid XHTML, Valid CSS.
Part of: The GNU Project.
Christopher Gutteridge - Designer and coder of EPrints version 2.
Mike Jewell - Pre-release testing. The initial versions of scripts for creating and installing an EPrints v2 package. Some coding assistance.
Harry Mason - Testing. Document to text conversion wrappers. Document icons.
Robert Tansley - Creator of EPrints 1 on which EPrints 2 is based.
Al Riddoch <ajr@ecs.soton.ac.uk> - Assistance in writing the "configure" script for the installer.
Jessie Hey and Pauline Simpson (as part of the TARDIS Project) - Feature suggestions and contributions to the default configuration of version 2.3.
Gui Power - Adapting the online help for version 2.
Developed at the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton, England.