Computer Science Technical Reports
CS at VT

Pinch Keyboard: Natural Text Input for Immersive Virtual Environments

Bowman, Doug A. and Ly, Vinh Q. and Campbell, Joshua M. (2001) Pinch Keyboard: Natural Text Input for Immersive Virtual Environments. Technical Report TR-01-15, Computer Science, Virginia Tech.

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Text entry may be needed for system control tasks in immersive virtual environments, but no efficient and usable techniques exist. We present the pinch keyboard interaction technique, which simulates a standard QWERTY keyboard using Pinch Gloves™ and 6 DOF trackers. The system includes visual and auditory feedback and a simple method of calibration.

Item Type:Departmental Technical Report
Keywords:Keyboard, text input, virtual environment, 3D interaction, 3D user interface, pinch gloves
Subjects:Computer Science > Virtual Environments
ID Code:540
Deposited By:User, Eprints
Deposited On:21 May 2002