Computer Science Technical Reports
CS at VT

EtanaViz: A Visual User Interface to Archaeological Digital Libraries

Shen, Rao and Vemuri, Naga Srinivas and Vijayaraghavan, Vidhya and Fan, Weiguo and Fox, Edward A. (2005) EtanaViz: A Visual User Interface to Archaeological Digital Libraries. Technical Report TR-05-14, Computer Science, Virginia Tech.

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Analyzing and hypothesizing are important scientific processes involved in archaeological activity. In this paper, we describe a visual user interface closely coupled with services for archaeological digital libraries, to help archaeologists analyze data and test hypotheses. Our system, EtanaViz, employs a dynamic hyperbolic tree to display hierarchical relationships among excavation records, based on spatial, temporal, and artifact-related taxonomies. Also, EtanaViz provides stacked bar charts to indicate categories. More specifically, we show how EtanaViz can help users analyze data about animal bones excavated from two archaeological sites, Tell Nimrin and Tell al-'Umayri'. The fauna are associated with cultural phases. Comparisons of animal bones from Tell Nimrin across cultural phases provide insights into changing subsistence strategies during these time periods. Inter-site comparisons also show shifts in animal use as well as long-term adaptations to environmental changes.

Item Type:Departmental Technical Report
Subjects:Computer Science > Digital Libraries
ID Code:725
Deposited By:Shen, Rao
Deposited On:24 October 2005