Computer Science Technical Reports
CS at VT

Integration of Heterogeneous Digital Libraries with Semi-automatic Mapping and Browsing: From Formalization to Specification to Visualization

Shen, Rao and Vemuri, Naga Srinivas and Raghavan, Ananth and Goncalves, Marcos Andre and Rangarajan, Divya and Fan, Weiguo and Fox, Edward A. (2005) Integration of Heterogeneous Digital Libraries with Semi-automatic Mapping and Browsing: From Formalization to Specification to Visualization. Technical Report TR-05-04, Computer Science, Virginia Tech.

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In this paper, we formalize the digital library (DL) integration problem and propose an overall approach based on the 5S framework. We apply 5S to domain-specific (archaeological) DLs, illustrating our solutions for key problems in DL integration. We use ETANA-DL as a case study to describe the process of semi-automatically generating a union catalog and a unified browsing service in an archaeological DL. A visual schema mapping tool is developed for union catalog creation. A pilot user study aids tool evaluation. Our approach is further validated through application of a general browsing component to two integrated DLs.

Item Type:Departmental Technical Report
Keywords:Integration, Interoperability, 5S Theory, Schema Mapping, Visualization, Browsing Component
Subjects:Computer Science > Digital Libraries
ID Code:710
Deposited By:Administrator, Eprints
Deposited On:30 August 2005