Computer Science Technical Reports
CS at VT

Using a Tablet-PC to Provide Peer-Review Comments

Perez-Quinones, Manuel A. and Turner, Scott (2004) Using a Tablet-PC to Provide Peer-Review Comments. Technical Report TR-04-17, Computer Science, Virginia Tech.

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This reports describes our initial exploration in using a Tablet-PC to provide peer-review comments in the first year Computer Science course. Our exploration consisted of an informal evaluation of how students write comments on other students assignments using three different methods: pen and paper, a Tablet-PC, and a desktop computer. Our ultimate goal is to explore the effect that interface style has on the quality and quantity of the comments provided.

Item Type:Departmental Technical Report
Subjects:Computer Science > Human Computer Interaction
ID Code:694
Deposited By:Administrator, Eprints
Deposited On:29 August 2005