Computer Science Technical Reports
CS at VT

Use of Subimages in Fish Species Identification: A Qualitative Study

Murthy, Uma and Tzy Li, Lin and Hallerman, Eric and Fox, Edward and Pérez-Quiñones, Manuel and Delcambre, Lois and Torres, Ricardo (2011) Use of Subimages in Fish Species Identification: A Qualitative Study. Technical Report TR-11-02, Computer Science, Virginia Tech.

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Many scholarly tasks involve working with subdocuments, or contextualized fine-grain information, i.e., with information that is part of some larger unit. A digital library (DL) facil- itates management, access, retrieval, and use of collections of data and metadata through services. However, most DLs do not provide infrastructure or services to support working with subdocuments. Superimposed information (SI) refers to new information that is created to reference subdocu- ments in existing information resources. We combine this idea of SI with traditional DL services, to define and develop a DL with SI (SI-DL). We explored the use of subimages and evaluated the use of a prototype SI-DL (SuperIDR) in fish species identification, a scholarly task that involves work- ing with subimages. The contexts and strategies of working with subimages in SuperIDR suggest new and enhanced sup- port (SI-DL services) for scholarly tasks that involve working with subimages, including new ways of querying and search- ing for subimages and associated information. The main contribution of our work are the insights gained from these findings of use of subimages and of SuperIDR (a prototype SI-DL), which lead to recommendations for the design of digital libraries with superimposed information.

Item Type:Departmental Technical Report
Subjects:Computer Science > Human Computer Interaction
Computer Science > Multimedia & Hypertext
Computer Science > Information Retrieval
Computer Science > Digital Libraries
ID Code:1142
Deposited By:Murthy, Uma
Deposited On:16 March 2011