Computer Science Technical Reports
CS at VT

Digital Library Education in Computer Science Programs

Pomerantz, Jeffrey and Oh, Sanghee and Wildemuth, Barbara M. and Yang, Seungwon and Fox, Edward A. (2007) Digital Library Education in Computer Science Programs. Technical Report TR-07-09, Computer Science, Virginia Tech.

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In an effort to identify the “state of the art” in digital library education in computer science (CS) programs, we analyzed CS courses on digital libraries and digital library-related topics. Fifteen courses that mention digital libraries in the title or short description were identified; of these, five are concerned with digital libraries as the primary topic of the course. The readings from these five courses were analyzed further, in terms of their authors and the journals in which they were published.

Item Type:Departmental Technical Report
Keywords:Digital libraries, Digital librarianship, Computer science, Library and information science, Education, Curriculum development
Subjects:Computer Science > Digital Libraries
ID Code:945
Deposited By:Administrator, Eprints
Deposited On:06 February 2007