Computer Science Technical Reports
CS at VT

On the Benefits of a Maintainability Methodology

Lewis, John A. and Henry, Sallie M. (1990) On the Benefits of a Maintainability Methodology. Technical Report TR-90-33, Computer Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

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A metrics methodology can dramatically reduce the problems associated with software maintenance. However, several issues must be addressed in order to develop and use these techniques successfully. This paper defines a metrics methodology which is designed to deliberately integrate maintainability into software as it is being developed. The benefits of using this approach are discussed. Then several issues which complicate the development and use of the methodology are examined. Previous maintenance studies which incorporate the methodology into two different commercial environments are used to demonstrate the difficulties in implementation and contrast the differences in approach.

Item Type:Departmental Technical Report
Subjects:Computer Science > Historical Collection(Till Dec 2001)
ID Code:215
Deposited By:User autouser
Deposited On:28 November 2005