Computer Science Technical Reports
CS at VT

On Utilization of Contributory Storage in Desktop Grids

Miller, Chreston and Butler, Patrick and Shah, Ankur and Butt, Ali R. (2007) On Utilization of Contributory Storage in Desktop Grids. Technical Report TR-07-16, Computer Science, Virginia Tech.

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The availability of desktop grids and shared computing platforms has popularized the use of contributory resources, such as desktops, as computing substrates for a variety of applications. However, addressing the exponentially growing storage demands of applications, especially in a contributory environment, remains a challenging research problem. In this report, we propose a transparent distributed storage system that harnesses the storage contributed by grid participants arranged in a peer-to-peer network to yield a scalable, robust, and self-organizing system. The novelty of our work lies in (i) design simplicity to facilitate actual use; (ii) support for easy integration with grid platforms; (iii) ingenious use of striping and error coding techniques to support very large data files; and (iv) the use of multicast techniques for data replication. Experimental results through simulations and an actual implementation show that our system can provide reliable and efficient storage with large file support for desktop grid applications.

Item Type:Departmental Technical Report
Subjects:Computer Science > Distributed Computing
ID Code:973
Deposited By:Administrator, Eprints
Deposited On:03 May 2007