Optimization and Blending of Composite Laminates Using Guide based Genetic Algorithms
2003) Optimization and Blending of Composite Laminates Using Guide based Genetic Algorithms. Technical Report TR-03-11, Computer Science, Virginia Tech. (
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Composite panel structure optimization is commonly decomposed into panel optimization subproblems, with specified local loads, resulting in manufacturing incompatibilities between adjacent panel designs. A new method proposed here for constructing globally blended panel designs uses a parallel decomposition antithetical to that of earlier work. Rather than performing concurrent panel genetic optimizations, a single genetic optimization is conducted for the entire structure with the parallelism solely within the fitness evaluations. A guide based genetic algorithm approach is introduced to exclusively generate and evaluate valid globally blended designs, utilizing a simple master-slave parallel implementation, implicitly reducing the size of the problem design space and increasing the quality of discovered local optima.
Item Type: | Departmental Technical Report |
Subjects: | Computer Science > Parallel Computation |
ID Code: | 657 |
Deposited By: | Administrator, Eprints |
Deposited On: | 24 August 2005 |