Computer Science Technical Reports
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Toward Empirically Derived Methodologies and Tools for Human-Computer Interface Development

Hartson, H. Rex and Hix, Deborah (1988) Toward Empirically Derived Methodologies and Tools for Human-Computer Interface Development. Technical Report TR-88-12, Computer Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

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This term, unknown only a few years ago, now conjures up images of icons and objects, windows and words that comprise the human-computer interface. A UIMS is an interactive system composed of high-level tools that support production and execution of human-computer interfaces. UIMS have become a major topic of both academic and trade journal articles, conference technical presentations, demonstrations, and special interest sessions. Many commercial software packages and research products even tangentially related to the area of human-computer interaction now claim to be UIMS. As young and exciting as the field is, there are already signs of promises unfulfilled, due to a lack of both functionality and usability factors that can make the difference between whether UIMS are a passing fad or a viable tool. But what does the future hold for UIMS? All indications are that they are here to stay. We perceive a trend in UIMS evolution that we have divided into generations based primarily on common characteristics and only loosely on chronology.

Item Type:Departmental Technical Report
Subjects:Computer Science > Historical Collection(Till Dec 2001)
ID Code:97
Deposited By:User autouser
Deposited On:05 December 2001